Life of a SINGLE Social Queen

This blog was encouraged by some who seem to think my life is exciting. I am not convinced of this all the time, however I do have a way of making life interesting. To put it in another way, with me, life is never BORING!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Weekend

When I have a really great weekend I really love to tell about it.
We had a volunteer appreciation brunch at church at 9 on Saturday morning. I know some would be surprised to know that I was up at that hour, but when there is free food involved, I am all about it! So....... I walked in and saw Jill Foster, our keyboardist who is constantly giving me hilarious and helpful tips in order to help me increase my chances of finding true love! Some of her ideas are so funny! Probably the one we talk about most often is the fact that I enjoy wearing bright colors to church. We both agree this does increase my chances of getting noticed by any eligible young bachelors that happen to be visiting the church! The idea is that all the single women in the church should wear brightly colored clothes so as to showcase themselves for the men, but since the married women have already caught their men, they should do their best to stay in the background so as to not detract from the eligible young women. So the suggested colors for the married women are black, brown, and gray in order to "blend in" with the background. So whenever I happen to wear black Jill notices right away and lets me know in no uncertain terms that this will NOT do.
Anyway, I sat with her and her family on Saturday morning. Her newest idea was that Stephen, our church's assistant to the pastor - he also keeps up with the church's website - should make an additional page on the website called "Faith's Finest", which showcases the single people of our church. We mostly worked on the details of that idea the whole time, except when the pastor was talking. It was so fun! It's not really going to happen, but it was fun to discuss!
So I had biscuits and sausage gravy, which was my absolute favorite thing of the morning (that's why I went back for seconds), scrambled eggs, bacon, Sunny D, about 3 cups of coffee, and a glass of water. Now that we know everything I ate........ HEY, IT'S IMPORTANT!
So I came home and piddled around for awhile, then went over to the Hill's after 12 noon. Mark and Kelly have 3 great kids who I really enjoy hanging out with a lot. They make me feel soooo welcome! Like when you've already been there several hours they say I don't have to leave! I like those kinds of people! I want to keep myself welcome there, so I try not to overextend my stay. Momma didn't raise no fool. :-) So I hung out in the afternoon and played with the kids - Kelly's sister Meredith (also her husband and baby), came over to visit since I was there! I like them a lot too. I pretty much love getting to know new people. It's fun!
I left the Hill's at a little after 4 but already had plans to go back for a small groups party they were having over there for the small groups they each have in the youth group. They had some really fun teens over and it was a blast playing Cranium and the Wii! We had pizza and tacos, so the whole evening was fun! Came home around 10:45, so I was with people all day except about 2 stretches of 1-2 hrs in the morning and afternoon. If you know me very well at all, you know that this is ideal for me! Hanging out with people all day makes me so happy! I do not enjoy alone time. I get plenty of it, so it doesn't make me insane or anything, but I would always rather be with people than be alone.
Sunday I helped out in the nursery at church, and that was pretty fun. I was trying to get this one baby to sleep, though, and it wasn't that easy! He was sleepy, but he was also really interested in his surroundings, and wanted to stay awake and smile a lot! He's about 4 months old and Haitian! He's got tons of soft curly black hair and I love it! He also probably weighs as much as my 16 month old niece, so that roly-poly guy wasn't too easy to get to sleep! But he settled down and fell right asleep, then I was able to leave and go to the service.
After church I came home and go on the computer because Sunday afternoons are for Skype! I have been able to use it to talk and SEE my buddy Hannah, who is in S. Africa, working for 6 months at an orphanage for abandoned babies. They have a literal "hole in the wall," where mothers can come and "deposit" their unwanted babies in this door which sends an alert inside to tell the workers that there has been a baby left there. The orphanage names the babies and everything. It's so sad to me! But it's also wonderful that Hannah is there and the other volunteers to hold and love on the babies to make them thrive!
So I talked to Hannah for just a few minutes before she had to go, then I got to talk to Hannah's roommate from S.Africa who is back living in Ireland, where she was originally from. I friended her on facebook and finally got to Skype with her! It was so fun! She has a bubbly personality and an ABSOLUTELY AWESOME ACCENT. You all know the Irish accent is my fave, so you know I was in Heaven. Then I also got to talk to Mandy in Texas. They are buying a house but have plans to pay it off pretty quickly because they got a really great deal. It is really awesome and I'm so excited for them! Imagine only being in your early 30s and having a house totally paid for??!! I think that is totally amazing. Mandy is the one, you'll remember, who set me up on a budget about 3 years ago and put me in a better place financially with just that tool.
So after I got done talking to everyone on Skype, I went to Target with my friend, Amanda, and got a couple of things with the gift cards I got just for using coupons and filling a couple of prescriptions there! I was like, OK! I didn't get anything exciting, though.... :-( Just a couple of inserts for my shoes to see if that will help my ankles not hurt so much when I walk!
Then it was on to evening church and back home after! Something I am really proud of myself for lately is my curbing the frequency in which I am going out to eat. I am really excited that it is not my natural reflex to go somewhere and grab something to eat just because it's so quick and easy, and fun! I used it for entertainment, and that isn't good. Eating at home is better for me anyway!
Sorry this is so horribly long. I promise they will not all be, and believe it or not I didn't put everything in here that I could have! Don't even know if anyone cares, but........My mom will love this, I'm sure!!!!


Blogger Tenney Crew said...

Started reading your post about 3 and just got done!!! JK!!! I am so happy you have a blog and are sharing what's going on in your life with those that live far away.

January 25, 2010 at 4:45 PM  

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